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Image by Eugene Chystiakov


The deepest and most integrative healing possible


Unconditional Love Healing (ULH) is a truly powerful modality. It is based on the  knowing that everyone and everything is unconditionally loved, no matter what. Our true nature is this profound love and it has the power to transform our deepest pain. 

There is nothing this love can't heal, there is no depth it won't go. Unconditional Love is the purest and most powerful vibration. 

These sessions enable you to access trapped, unconscious emotions that lead to the core beliefs that limit you from experiencing the love, freedom and power that you are. These core beliefs create the energetic patterns that manifest the situations in our lives. Once you tap into the power of unconditional love and allow it show you these beliefs, you will actually feel the knowing that you can transform and release them to reveal the loving truth that is in alignment with your higher nature. These deep shifts will manifest in your outer life and will feel nothing short of miraculous and powerful.

This is the vibration and modality that truly empowers you, connects you to love and awakens the freedom that you are.

I have personally witnessed very powerful transformation's in myself and others through this modality. I have seen people find deep inner peace, deeper self love, freedom and power when they initially believed they didn't possess any! 

If you have been searching for a modality that truly can help you transform the deepest pain whilst teaching you about emotion's and true self love...then this is the modality for you. Whether you have been on a healing journey for awhile, or you are just beginning, either way ULH will help you truly change and transform your life. 

A session lasts for 1hr and can be held in person if you live in Sydney, AUS or via video call (AEST). These sessions are deeply loving and safe containers of pure allowance, non-judgement and acceptance. The nature of the container and the guidance I provide within will help you to relax into a more trusting space so you can finally feel the freedom of allowing yourself to be, therefore creating the space for transformation to occur. All you need to bring is your willingness to love yourself. 

As this is a modality that primarily works with emotions, ULH sessions with me are booked in groupings of 3, 6 or 9. If you have quite a deep challenge and/or have more than one issue you wish to work on, I recommend booking more than 3 sessions initially. The great thing about ULH is you will experience shifts in every session and by the end your journey with me, you will feel a deep transformation that will impact every area of your life.

To book, use the booking form below and I will respond promptly. For any enquires or questions use the contact button below. I look forward to working with you!

Image by Sincerely Media
Image by Aditya Saxena
Image by Brett Jordan


Mini Journey

3 x 1hr ULH sessions

$510 AUD

In person at The Authentic Living Centre Sydney Australia or video call.


Medium Journey

6 x 1hr ULH sessions

$960 AUD

In person at The Authentic Living Centre Sydney Australia or video call.


Full Journey

9 x 1hr ULH sessions

$1350 AUD

In person at The Authentic Living Centre Sydney Australia or video call.


Tarot Readings

Tarot Reading

If you need some guidance on your journey, I also offer tarot readings to help assist you in clarifying situations and intuiting the energies surrounding your life. These are also good for validating your own inner guidance...sometimes we just need that extra clarity! 

Readings can be conducted in person (in Sydney Aus) or via zoom.

1hr readings only

$120 AUD


I look forward to working with you.

Which of the following best describes you at the moment:

Thanks for submitting! We’ll send you a price quote soon.

Image by Mohamed Nohassi

We have the power to heal and integrate anything...this is the way of Unconditional Love"

Freedom With Fenda

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